Fishing Features for New Motor Boats
If you are in the market for new motor boats for your fishing trips, then you might have certain features in mind. Though most features are fairly standard, there are some new features you may not be considering. Here are a few of those features, what to know about them, and how they can benefit you in your new boat purchase.
One of the first things to look for in a new motor boat for fishing is an enclosure. You may be thinking that you don't want a huge enclosure. The truth is that many boat upgrades carry an enclosure that is removable. This means you can add it for days when you may be fishing during cold weather or when there is a spray off the water that could make you uncomfortable over time. The enclosures should be made of a polycarbonate or similar material. This will allow it to have durability against rain, wind and other damaging issues while keeping you protected as well.
You may have used a portable radar for previous fishing boats you've had. With new motorboats, you can have them outfitted with onboard radar. The radar can set up to show you areas with a higher concentration of fish, crab or whatever it is you are looking for during your trip. The radar can also pick up issues such as incoming storms. In addition, you can add a GPS to the radar to help with location and location-related issues. You can also add a programmable GPS and radar system that can store previous fishing areas, help you find fishing areas that were found by accident and help you maintain a mapping of fishing areas throughout the year.
Live-Bait Tanks
One of the upgrades to new motor boats for fishing are live-bait tanks. These tanks provide you with a clean storage area for your bait. They range in gallon size with the most common being 20-gallon built-in tanks. They can also be chilled to keep bait at a certain temperature. If you have specific bait storage needs, ask your boat sales staff. They can help you with the right tank upgrade for your needs.
When you are ready to purchase your boat, visit a dealer with new motor boats for sale. The sales staff can help you with the type of boats available. They can also help you locate a boat with the different fishing features you are looking for.